Shannyn Plays Yoshi Weinberg’s “Kiwi Herring” (2018)

We are so honored to kick off our InfraSolo series with this touching and incredibly important piece, Kiwi Herring (2018). It tells the story of a trans woman named Kiwi Herring, whose life was unjustly taken too soon. Watch the performance here!

During this time of COVID-19, please consider giving to organizations and funds that provide support to our LGBTQI+ and BIPOC communities. If you are able to give support or if you are in need, you can find resources through the National Center For Transgender Equality…/mutual-aid-and-emergency-funds

Kiwi Herring
composer, Yoshi A. Weinberg
librettist, Brennan LW Bogert
pianist, Daniel Schreiner
soprano, Shannyn Rinker
video, Vasily Ratmansky


Marti Epstein - Oil and Sugar (2016)


Infrasound April EP