Objects Improv #1

Tonight we are excited to present our first "Objects Improv" featuring visuals by Zak Argabrite!

We are thankful to Zak for collaborating with us, and to our musicians (Yoshi, Stefanie, Luke, and Vasily) and audio/visual techs (Tyler and Vasily) who helped make this collaboration happen. Check it out on our May EP!

Objects Featured:

Yoshi Weinberg: Tuned beer bottles, large milk bottle, large metal mixing bowl, metal wok lid, miniature djembe, children’s toy maraca, antique cymbals, music box tuned to “Imagine” by John Lennon, rocks, knitting needles, and wooden spoon

Stefanie Proulx: Beer bottles, wine glass, ceramic coffee mug, Kirkland™ Organic No-Salt Seasoning, wooden box, metal bucket, metal lock with keys, cup full of googly eyes, tray of bobby pins, tiny vinegar bottle inside a jar, necklace rack, bread knife, comb, miso soup spoon, wooden spoon, paint brush

Luke Paulino: Animal balloon, pump for animal balloon, giant mug with coins inside, bag of peanuts, packaging cardboard, top of tobacco grinder, playing pieces from the boardgame “Blockus To Go!” on a ceramic saucer, plastic bag of old pretzels, bottle of hand sanitizer, unplugged power strip

Vasily Ratmansky: Small air chicken, a rubber straw, wallet, head scratcher, plastic ruler half broken, plastic ruler working condition, scissors, CD case, electric toothbrush, altoid box

Special Thanks To:

Tyler Neidermayer: audio producing, mixing and mastering
Vasily Ratmansky: video production


Tyler Plays J. Paul Bourque’s “Reverie” (2020)


Stefanie Plays Jacob T.V.