Eve Beglarian - From The Same Melancholy Fate (2015)
For tonights InfraSonic series we are excited to present our version of Eve Beglarian’s From the Same Melancholy Fate! This piece pays homage to artist Cleveland Turner and his story. Pete Gershon, the author of Painting the Town Orange, describes Turner’s story perfectly saying,
“after seventeen years as a homeless alcoholic, he had a near-death experience in the gutter in 1983. Then, a divinely inspired vision of a whirlwind of colorful junk prompted him to devote the rest of his life to brightening his neighborhood and the lives of countless visitors with the deft arrangement of colorful refuse.”
From the Same Melancholy Fate is an open instrumentation, improvisatory piece where the player is given a pre-recorded track. The improvisation is recorded with the track and then re-recorded over with each iteration of the piece. InfraSound was able to adapt this piece to the limitation of social-distancing by creating a “chain” improvisation beginning with one person recording themselves with the track and sending it to another and so on. As is the intention of the piece, with each recording the original track becomes less and less recognizable.
Check it out on our April EP!